Attached Disconnected by Deborah Birds of a Feather by Gerrie District Six by Helen
Brunswick Street by Kirsten Community - ties that bind  by Terry All Together Now by Diane
Neighbourhood by Francoise Community by Kristin Similar Differences by Karen
My People by Brenda 12 by 12 Community by Terri Fiber Art Community - by the inch by Nikki

Brunswick Street by Kirsten

Although it’s a huge cliche to see a community as a tree, the more I thought about this theme the more meaningful that tree image became to me. We have moved quite often. The communities that I have enjoyed the most have been the ones where every individual is valued and appreciated for who they are. I love to be in communities where every leaf is different and there are a few nuts growing amongst them! Brunswick Street in Melbourne provided added inspiration.

Brunswick Street by Kirsten
Click to enlarge