Obviously Chocolate by Deborah Chocolate Love by Gerrie Unsuitable Things by Helen
Soft Centre by Kirsten Cacao y canela  by Terry Still Life Without Chocolate by Diane
Love, Chocolate & Patchwork by Francoise The Marquise de Coetlogon by Kristin Cocoa Beans by Karen
Organic Chocolate by Brenda Choco Latte by Terri Chocolate Desire by Nikki

Love Chocolate & Patchwork

by Francoise

This is my house. It's full of love, chocolate and patchwork. As I wrote down every word I associated with chocolate, it became clear that many of these words, feelings, facts, things were related to my family, and therefore to my house too. See my blog post for more information.

Love, Chocolate & Patchwork by Francoise
Click to enlarge