Attached Disconnected by Deborah Birds of a Feather by Gerrie District Six by Helen
Brunswick Street by Kirsten Community - ties that bind  by Terry All Together Now by Diane
Neighbourhood by Francoise Community by Kristin Similar Differences by Karen
My People by Brenda 12 by 12 Community by Terri Fiber Art Community - by the inch by Nikki

District Six by Helen

District Six was a vibrant, multi-ethnic community in Cape Town that was cleared during the apartheid era. Over 60,000 occupants were forced to move to the 'homelands' where there was little or no infrastructure or employment or else ended up in desolate 'townships' in the Cape Flats. The area was destined for redevelopment but in fact was never built on again. For more background information, see my blog post.

District Six by Helen
Click to enlarge